If you’re wondering if you should quit drinking…
you should

Your Science-Backed Guide to Understanding Why You Drink the Way You Do

…and Why Your Drinking Will Never be Different

As seen in

I Spent 5 Years Trying to Moderate My Drinking

I drank every night. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot

I jolted awake at 3am with anxiety

I woke up ashamed of myself either because I drank too much and couldn’t control myself yet again, or because I had a few drinks but didn’t feel satisfied

I spent each morning at work asking Google, “how do you know if you’re an alcoholic?” or “how do I moderate my drinking?”

I resolved to not drink that night

But by lunch time my hangover would fade and I’d convince myself why I should drink

Then I drank again that night and repeated the cycle

I wanted nothing more than to learn how to moderate my drinking

I tried everything

Until one day I realized I can’t change the way I drink

And then I was finally free

Something For All Stages of Sobriety


  • Listen to my podcast to learn why you developed a problem with alcohol, why it took you so long to quit, and how to develop the tools you need to stay sober

  • Check out my YouTube channel for videos on socializing sober, finding hobbies, tips for quitting drinking, and what to expect in early sobriety

  • A course to help you break down the beliefs that keep convincing you drinking is a good idea.

Made the Decision?

  • Listen to my podcast to learn why you developed a problem with alcohol, why it took you so long to quit, and how to develop the tools you need to stay sober

  • You don’t have to do this alone. Get around people who are prioritizing their sobriety, understand your experience, and think the way you think. We have lots of support meetings too. I hope to see you there.

  • I work with coping drinkers to help you learn tools to manage stress and negative emotions in sobriety. Learn more here.

  • Sober but still reactive and getting heated? Work with me on anger management with me so I can help you understand your anger, increase your tolerance for frustration, and develop communication skills to get your needs met.

Long Term Sober?

  • Sober but still reactive and getting heated? Work with me on anger management with me so I can help you understand your anger, increase your tolerance for frustration, and develop communication skills to get your needs met.

  • We have a 6 month + group inside the community that meets weekly. You don’t have to navigate sober life and doing "the work" alone.

“As a board certified emergency physician and more importantly, recovering alcohol myself, I must once again thank you for your podcast. You are the most right on consultant on this devastating problem that is way too accepted in society. Your advice and knowledge has impacted me more than anything. Please keep up the good work as there are many more lives for you to save.”

“Thank you. I am a 60+ psychologist who has struggled to beat the alcohol cycle even with all my professional knowledge. You have provided critical additional research info re the neurochemistry of addiction that has enabled me to do this. I am personally eternally grateful. The rehab industry really needs to pay attention to your work. They would be far more successful. You must have changed many lives, go girl!”

The only sober podcast that combines science and lived experience

When I accepted that I had to quit drinking I wanted to understand why me

On my day 2, when my hangover had faded, I started to look into the research on addiction. I was terrified that I was a weak-willed loser with no self-control and I had to know if that was true

I read daily and learned why I woke up with 3am anxiety, why I obsessed about my drinking, why I was always so overwhelmed, why my daily life seemed unfulfilling, and why no matter what I did I could not be satisfied with 1 drink

This helped me let go of the shame and self-blame

One morning when I was around 8 months sober I woke up and thought,

“everyone needs to know this”

and I launched the Sober Powered Podcast that day

I had no idea what I was doing, so I had to zoom call myself to record, but I had to get this information out in the world

My biochemistry background allows me to find and interpret the primary literature, while my lived experience serves as the connector between the research and what you might be experiencing with your own drinking. No one covers the science of alcohol this comprehensively.

Sober Powered is a top 100 mental health podcast, and in March 2024 appeared in the top 10!

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