The Non-Negotiable Mindset

Having one foot into sobriety and one foot out is the most difficult stage to get through. You know you should probably get sober, but deep down you still want to be able to drink without the consequences. You’re using willpower.

Most people don’t fail to quit drinking because they lack willpower—they fail because they are still willing to drink

Making alcohol a non-negotiable means that it is no longer an option in your mind. It’s just something that you won’t do.

You’ve tried quitting before, but something always pulls you back—a bad day, a celebration, a craving that lasted longer than 20 minutes.

Maybe you’ve taken breaks, but you feel like you end up drinking and aren’t sure why.

It’s not just about the alcohol. It’s about the stories you’ve told yourself and the habits you’ve built around it.

This isn’t another course about quitting drinking. I’m not going to tell you that you should be grateful to quit or to replace alcohol with sparkling water in a fancy glass.

This course is about creating a mindset that makes sobriety your new default—one you’ll never question again.

“I was afraid to say I will never drink again. It does not seem as scary now.”

Your information has been life changing for me. I think connecting (you’ll find out inside the course lol) while listening to the information may be genius.”

“Maybe it’s been long enough”

“Maybe I wasn’t that bad”

“Maybe I can moderate now”

When you have a non-negotiable mindset, these thoughts will still appear, but you won’t participate in this debate anymore. You’ll know it will never be long enough, you were definitely that bad, and no, you still can’t moderate.

What’s more, you’ll understand why these thoughts are popping into your head and you’ll be able to course correct before you fall deeper into the rationalization process.

You’ll be able to finally let go

The lesson on becoming a non drinker was really impactful for me. Who do I want to be? I need to think about it, but it certainly isn’t someone who barely exists and moves through life barely functioning.”

“It also helped me to solidify the belief that I just can’t drink. That has been coming over years of going back and forth.”

What does this course cover?

  • Lesson 1: why a non-negotiable

  • Lesson 2: why we continue to drink despite the consequences: 3 pathways towards persistence

  • Lesson 3: “try harder” and using willpower don’t work: here’s why and what will

  • Lesson 4: closing the gap between what you intend to do and what you actually do

  • Lesson 5: 3 mind traps keeping you negotiating with alcohol (and losing the negotiation)

  • Lesson 6: becoming a person who just doesn’t drink

  • Lesson 7: surrendering and reaching the point of no return

Take a 90 Day Break From Drinking

This course works best when it is paired with an extended break from drinking. You are strongly encouraged to either commit to a 90 day break or already be on a break and are looking to solidify your commitment.

If you don’t feel like a 90 day break is possible yet, then you may want to consider listening to more of my podcast and coming back when you feel ready.

Your break doesn’t have to be perfect. This course will teach you techniques to analyze your setbacks so you can learn from them and understand why it happened. You’ve collected enough data points, it’s time to understand what those data points mean.

My Non-Negotiable Transformation

I took a 90 day break from drinking in March-June 2019 and then returned to drinking because surely I was cured! If I actually had a problem, then it wouldn’t have been that easy, right?

However, it was when I returned to drinking and saw that my suffering came back, that I was able to let go for good. My break and the work I will guide you through in this course helped me make the required connection between my drinking and my suffering.

You know how you’re suffering. You’re not an idiot. But your brain isn’t powerful enough to fully connect your suffering to your drinking, yet.

Sure, you know alcohol is bad for you, but that’s not enough to quit.

Sure, you know hangovers suck, but you’ve tolerated hundreds of hangovers. What’s one more?

Sure, you know you’re miserable, but you still believe alcohol helps.

I was suffering 22 hours a day and those first 2 hours of my drinking were the only relief I had from a life I hated. I didn’t understand until much later that my drinking caused or intensified those 22 hours of suffering.

The Non-Negotiable Mindset is designed to help you make this connection.

Who is this course for?

People who know it’s time to change, not for people who need to be convinced that it’s time. This course is not designed to convince you to quit or to motivate you to want to quit. It’s for people who know it’s time, but they can’t make it stick yet.

Please note: this course is not available for content creators or coaches. This is not continuing education.


  • How is this course delivered?

    This is an audio course that you can listen to privately. Each lesson includes exercises to reinforce the concepts.

  • How long will I have access to this course?

    You will have access for 1 year. This includes any updates or new material during that time.

  • How much time will I need to commit?

    Each lesson is 15-30 minutes long. I do not recommend binging this course. This course is designed to make you think, so you can change the way you think. You should devote as much time is required to deeply think through the material.

  • Will this course get me sober?

    While it would be amazing if this course could get everyone sober immediately, I cannot make that guarantee. Instead, even if you do slip or relapse, you will have gained the tools to analyze it, learn from it, and prevent it from becoming just another “data point”

  • Are you supporting me during this course?

    There is no 1:1 or group element during this course. You can get support and encouragement in my private community or we can work together 1:1.

  • What is your refund policy?

    If you listen to the first 2 lessons and decide it’s not for you, then I will give you a refund. If you have listened to more of the course, then I cannot offer you a refund.