In the Moment Craving vs Constant Craving (E218)

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There are 2 types of alcohol cravings that you may experience as you quit drinking: sudden, in the moment cravings or constant all day cravings. In this episode, you’ll learn about both types and 3 reasons we crave alcohol. I’ve experienced both types of cravings so I will share my experience and help you understand why you keep craving alcohol and where to get started in minimizing your cravings.

What to listen to next:

E191: going back and forth makes your cravings stronger

E205: kindling in alcohol withdrawal

E128: why cravings are so powerful (attentional bias)

E216: 4 types of impulsivity

E211: the anticipation of the drink

E206: HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, tired

E203: why you still want alcohol even when you hate it

Bonus Episode: 6 Ways to Cope with Cravings

Resources I offer:

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Gillian Tietz. In the Moment Craving vs Constant Craving (E218). Sober Powered. 2024

Please respect my intellectual property and properly credit me if you share my work.


  1. Moskal et al. 2021. Attention bias and alcohol craving: Differential effects via biological sex and mood. Alcoholism. 

  2. Papachristou et al. 2012. Can’t stop the craving: The effect of impulsivity on cue-elicited craving for alcohol in heavy and light social drinkers. Psychopharmacology. 

  3. Sinha R, Fox HC, Hong KA, Bergquist K, Bhagwagar Z, Siedlarz KM. Enhanced negative emotion and alcohol craving, and altered physiological responses following stress and cue exposure in alcohol dependent individuals. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2009;34(5):1198–208. 

  4. Mayhugh, R. et al. Differing patterns of stress and craving across the day in moderate-heavy alcohol consumers during their typical drinking routine and an imposed period of alcohol abstinence. PLOS ONE. 2018

Gillian Tietz

Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol's influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts.

7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Support Your Sobriety (E219)


Warm Weather: 3 Reasons We Think Alcohol is Required (E217)